

The idea of the experimental scene as a broader cultural centre, bringing together generationally and spiritually related artists, was born in the circle around the playwright B. Srba. It earned the final form in a seminar for students of directing at JAMU, whose teacher was the director E. Sokolovský. The forming association of professional theatregoers, students of art schools and young writers, musicians and artists began its activity in September 1967. The name The Goose on a String and the incentive were taken from the book of the same name by the film and theatre librettist J. Mahen. The core of the group consisted of direction students of E. Tálská, Z. Pospíšil and P. Scherhaufer, their colleagues - students of acting, composer M. Štědroň, artists B. Mysliveček, J. David, literateurs M. Pospíšil, J. Souchop, etc. B. Srba, who formulated the program of irregular dramaturgy, i.e. the search for new topics in the field of originally non-dramatic texts, become the artistic director. The document Programová východiska (Program Bases) (1971) and other materials presented the goals and directions of the association. Their main points were searching and experimentation, dramaturgical openness, performing in irregular space (different arrangement of the stage and auditorium space for each production), physical and movement readiness of the actors, contact with the current tendencies of the world theatre - later referred to as the "second theatrical reform". The new model of organization and management of the theatre, inspired by the working order of Burian's D 34, the theory of information and ways of behaviour of dynamic structures, sought the optimal use of creative forces: centeredness towards the production, maximal authority of the creators, a two-stage management system and stabilizing role of feedback.

The first public performances took place 15.–18. 3. 1968 in the Procházkova síň hall in the Art House. Each of the directors presented his production: Z. Pospíšil brought Panta Rei aneb Dějiny národu českého v kostce (Panta Rei aka History of the Czech Nation in a Nutshell), E. Tálská Morgenstern's Gallow Songs and P. Scherhaufer's Balzacian adaptation of The Art of Paying Your Debts and Satisfying Your Creditors without Paying a Dime. The exhibition hall of the Art House became the home stage of the ensemble, which had to omit the word "goose/husa" from its title in 1969 due to the surname of the general secretary of the Communist Party G. Husák, for 25 years.

Artistic director: Bořivoj Srba (1967-1970)